Styrene Signs | Polystyrene Signs - [Affordable Styrene Printing]


6 Reviews

Create sturdy and effective custom styrene signs to get your message across. Shop for to create your own signs so you can make an impact. Read More

  • .015
  • 0.030
  • None $0.00
  • 1" All Corners $2.00
  • 3/4" All Corners $2.00
  • 1/2" All Corners $2.00
  • 1/4" All Corners $2.00
  • 3/8" All Corners $2.00
  • None $0.00
  • Halo $4.13
  • Circle $0.38
  • Oval $0.38
  • Special $4.13
  • None $0.00
  • Top & Bottom Center $2.00
  • Top Corners $2.00
  • All Corners $2.50
  • None $0.00
  • Top Corners $1.50
  • Top & Bottom Center $1.50
  • All Corners Only $2.00
  • Top Center $1.00


Popular Templates

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What Is Styrene?

Styrene signs — The kind of posters the pros use. The styrene material these posters are made from an organic compound. It’s a solid plastic-like product that has envious printing qualities.Styrene posters are the best for many reasons. The multitude of benefits makes styrene highly valued in printing. Because it’s durable, lightweight and has a high pigment absorption. Our CMYK printing process will make yours styrene poster look great at any trade show, mall or any kind of business.

Polystyrene Signs

Styrene signs made from durable styrene material is an affordable solution for seasonal posters that can be used over and over again with proper storage and care. Flexible styrene printing posters are sturdy enough for outdoors but do best indoors. Scratch-resistant styrene material is also derived from naturally occurring compounds that occur in strawberries, cinnamon and coffee beans.

Styrene Signs

Upload your custom design with your branded colors, logo and what you want to advertise on your polystyrene signs. You can hang a styrene poster at a storefront, inside or out. Our .015 styrene show-stopping matte styrene posters work for architecture firms, ad agency advertising, car dealers, bars, furniture stores, mechanic shops or anywhere an eye-catching sign is needed.

Styrene Material - Cut In Any Shape

If you want your funky logo design printed on a durable poster on your door front styrene printing can give you the durability and customizable design you’re looking for. It’s outstanding for a high-end look with a low-end cost. They can stand alone or be hung in a frame for a gallery style look. These are a good fit for floor stands (like you see in the hallways of most malls).

Styrene Printing - A Great Option To Attract Business

If you have seasonal items you want to promote, get a vibrant polystyrene sign can show off your new merchandise. Want to display your menu in the large size behind the counter? A large styrene poster could be just what you need. We also offer different thicknesses of styrene material with our full-color custom styrene printingThis waterproof, durable material can also fill the largest printing order. Our Styrene sheets come in a multitude of large sizes up to 48” x 96”! Just imagine how much attention your company could get with such a substantial polystyrene poster.

Styrene Posters & Plastic Poster Board Cleaning 

These plastic posters can be cleaned quickly with mild soap and water with a damp cloth. If you have your signs outside, regular cleaning will extend their life. So will avoiding direct light and high winds. If you store them for a season or more, you can lay them flat in between poster board, cardboard or a large flat plastic tub to keep them protected. When you have your file ready to uploading, make sure to use CMYK for the color mode to get the colors you are expecting.

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